This is the Resolve Horse! He is awarded to a member of staff once a month for exceptional work. The Resolve team nominate their colleagues for the Horse if they think they have gone above and beyond.
Last month, both of the technical specialists were winners for their wonderful work supporting the technical account managers. Here are Matt and David with the Horse, proudly wearing their horse medals. The Horse also comes with an array of prizes to choose from, like kegs of beer, cinema tickets and hampers of food.

And Rob won the previous month for getting super-duper feedback from his customers…

The Horse has been part of Resolve for around 10 years. He galloped into the office one day to get his computer fixed - and he liked it so much, he never left!
Here are some photos of his early days in the office…

As you can see, the Horse was quickly adopted by the team. Over the years he has been the recipient of various capes and scarves. He has also had a haircut, enjoyed a bath and been on holiday!

In 2017, he underwent a bit of a transformation and is now the proud owner of a sequin and velvet cape…

A portrait of him also adorns all the Resolve awards – a bit like the Queen on paper notes.

Long may his adventures continue at Resolve!