Matt is a cyber security consultant

Beginning his career at Resolve as an apprentice, Matt is now the cyber security consultant, overseeing some of the most challenging IT problems that customers are facing. In more detail, Matt develops Resolve Cyber Security and keeps an eye on how cutting-edge technology could further protect businesses.

Matt’s favourite piece of technology is his phone because it never leaves his side, he says: “We depend on our phone for so many things today – I couldn’t live without it.” Away from his desk, Matt enjoys watching sport, playing games and walking his dog. Matt also enjoys music and once played bass in a band, performing in a regional school competition.

see how our helpful team can work with you

Our team is both technically excellent and super friendly, which means we can offer expert IT support with a friendly face. We have nearly 20 years of IT assistance under our belts – along with several customer service awards – so we have a good track record when it comes to providing technical advice.

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let's start the ball rolling
