Thomas is a managed services engineer

A managed services engineer, Tom helps clients to get the most out of their IT. Tom’s favourite piece of tech is his PC because he built it himself and he uses it to play most games.

Despite spending his days responding to people’s IT woes, Tom still finds that Resolve is a relaxed place to work, and he appreciates the office comradery that creates a supportive environment from which to fix technology. Away from his desk, Tom can be found spending time with friends, enjoying a few quiet drinks or chilling out, or watching TV with his cat. He once snowboarded down the tallest mountain in Bulgaria.

see how our helpful team can work with you

Our team is both technically excellent and super friendly, which means we can offer expert IT support with a friendly face. We have nearly 20 years of IT assistance under our belts – along with several customer service awards – so we have a good track record when it comes to providing technical advice.

about us

let's start the ball rolling
