IT systems have always been integral to the smooth operation of any business. But with the arrival of coronavirus and a huge chunk of the workforce moving to work from home, accessible IT, efficient internet and up-to-date computers have become even more important.
At Resolve, we work with hundreds of SMEs and we have seen firsthand the huge challenges companies have overcome in order to keep business afloat. During this time, we understood that having a reliable IT partner was more imperative than ever.
This was particularly true of customers that carry out essential work, like MVIS who provides the UK with portable safety signs (the sort you see on the motorway). We checked in with Anne Ashman, UK Group General Manager at MVIS, to see how coronavirus had impacted the business and whether the IT support they were receiving from Resolve was up to scratch...
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Q: Which parts of IT are integral to the running of your business?
Our IT systems are critical to our business. Most aspects of our operations, administration and marketing activities are heavily reliant upon IT. Even lesser expected areas such as our manufacturing depends on stock taking and CAD. Our communications are also mostly dependent upon IT through emails and video conferencing.
Q: Can you give me a bit of information about how coronavirus has impacted upon the day-to-day running of MVIS?
We have moved most of our operations to home working, with the exception of our delivery drivers and our manufacturing team. Having found the transition fairly smooth considering the circumstances, we are now fully operational under new government rules and we are coping very well indeed.
Q: What are the biggest IT concerns you have had to face during this season?
The biggest thing for us is probably communication and access to our cloud server with Resolve. Without these things, we would find conducting our normal business activities incredibly difficult.
Q: How have you found partnering with Resolve during coronavirus season?
Resolve has been integral to keeping us running during this time. From their robust and comprehensive range of services to their impeccable customer service, Resolve is a partner we are lucky to have through such as difficult time. There have been numerous instances during this where we have required simple technical as well as infrastructure support, and Resolve has not let us down once. This is particularly impressive when taking into consideration the increased demand they were facing.