Charlie is a professional services engineer

Charlie works on the professional service team, setting up accounts, upgrading software and hardware, and troubleshooting day-to-day IT issues. If you require a laptop set-up, there is a high chance it will be Charlie sorting it out.

Unsurprisingly, Charlie has an interest in technology, and he is sure artificial intelligence has the potential to make our world much more efficient. Charlie is also a fan of games – both on a computer and on the football field – and enjoys Strongman competitions, finding it interesting how people can push the limits of human strength. His favourite strongmen are Eddie Hall, Ivan Makarov and Kyriakos Grizzly.

see how our helpful team can work with you

Our team is both technically excellent and super friendly, which means we can offer expert IT support with a friendly face. We have nearly 20 years of IT assistance under our belts – along with several customer service awards – so we have a good track record when it comes to providing technical advice.

about us

let's start the ball rolling
